+39 0525 551211



Lun - Dom: 07:30 - 18:30




The Varano racetrack was established in 1969 through the work of a group of local enthusiasts. Since 1980, the plant has been operated by SO.GE.S.A. Ltd.

Facility management involves the care and maintenance of the facility and a constant quest for improvement and expansion of the facilities in order to always be in line with current legal and sports regulations and to be competitive in the market. Sogesa also provides for the organization of motor races and events, exhibition events, corporate incentives, business operations and events related to the local area.

It has always been the company’s priority to strive to provide safe, healthy and as environmentally friendly as possible working conditions with a view to continuous improvement, prevention and constant compliance with legal requirements, not only within its own company reality, and thus towards its workers, but also towards all stakeholders by providing a highly qualified service with high professionalism, reliability and confidentiality in all areas of its competence.

The culture that supports the quality management system is largely determined by management and is the product of both individual and group values, attitudes, management practices, perceptions, skills, and activity patterns that determine the commitment, style, and mastery of the management system itself.

The active participation of workers, requested by management, for which it expressly commits, with continuous involvement and sharing, with targeted and effective training, demonstrates the presence of important leadership that encourages the worker himself to actively contribute to development.

In addition, management, making a personal commitment, provides human resources and techniques so that the Quality Policy is disseminated, understood, implemented and supported in all areas of the organization itself.

These commitments and values, on which the company is based, are also the result of lofty goals that management sets for itself. These objectives lead to having a sound, stable, credible and reliable management system and can be listed below:

– Increase internal production efficiency with continuous involvement and qualifying training,

– Comply with current legal requirements including by investing in the use of specific platforms and systems,

– Pursue continuous improvement by increasing levels of efficiency, quality, readiness and customer service,

– To be successful in the market by strengthening leadership and expanding into the most attractive markets,

– Offer services that can improve the performance of those who use them,

– Build a winning network of customers and suppliers and create a fruitful and long-lasting synergy with them.

– Ensuring that every worker receives appropriate training and professional growth with constant research and development in the field.

All of these objectives are aimed at having a facility with the highest levels of safety , in a user-friendly setting and with state-of-the-art and efficient services.

All stakeholders, are sensitized to the Company Policy in order to develop at every level a sense of responsibility toward the present issues.
The Policy is well aligned with the context of the organization, is available as documented information, and has also been communicated within the company and displayed on the bulletin board.

It is also, featured on the company website and viewable by all.


SO.GE.S.A. Srl provides audio and video filming at events and demonstrations. Personal images of individuals accessing circuit areas may also be taken on such occasions.
Personal image and/or audio filming activities are inherent to the activities carried out within the circuit at events and events and are aimed at the documentation of these events and/or the promotion of the activities carried out by SO.GE.S.A. Srl through any physical, computerized and/or digital means, including publication on corporate social channels.

In relation to the publication of images in magazines, media and corporate and/or external social channels (of SO.GE.S.A. Srl and/or its parent/subsidiaries) for promotional purposes, individuals accessing the circuit will be informed in advance of the collection of their personal image during the events/manifestations, so that they can consciously decide to participate or not.
In fact, since in the events/manifestations mentioned above, the collection of images is inherent to the event itself, SO.GE.S.A. Srl will not be able to handle any refusal to process participants’ data, including personal image.

In these cases, the data subject may decide not to participate in the event: participation in the event will be understood as an unequivocal manifestation of willingness to accept the treatment illustrated.

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