+39 0525 551211



Lun - Dom: 07:30 - 18:30




Dear Sir/Madam, Spectator/Fan, 

this statement supplements the brief information contained in the displayed signs, in compliance with the European Regulation also known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
For any further information, visit the official website of the Guarantor

SO.GE.S.A. Srl with registered office in Strada per Fosio, 1 – 43040 Varano de’Melegari (PR) – Fiscal Code 00767950348 – VAT number 00767950348, Tel: 0525 551211, Fax: 0525 551227, in the person of the legal representative, hereinafter simply the Company, defined by the GDPR as “Data Controller” (art. 4(7) GDPR), is pleased to inform You, the “Data Subject,” also in adherence to Provision no. 138 of March 16, 2017 from the Guarantor, about your data protection rights.

The following personal information about you:
The Society has sourced:

by the video surveillance system located at the Riccardo Paletti Racetrack, Strada per Fosio 1- 43040 Varano de’Melegari (PR), will be processed by paper and telematic means by the Company not only in a lawful manner but also in a fair and transparent manner (art. 5 GDPR) for the following “purposes”:

A) labor safety and protection of corporate assets;

by virtue of the following “legal bases” (Art. 13(2.e) GDPR) i.e., the reasons why the processing is allowed – specifying which processing is necessary and which depends on your choice:

The treatments described in A) depend on
from the legitimate interest of the Company, the legal basis is therefore the legitimate interest (ART. 6 (f) GDPR);

The acquisition of data for the purposes indicated in point A) is therefore necessary and constitutes an essential requirement for the conclusion and continuation of the contract, namely access, for any reason, as a spectator or user of the facility, the Autodromo Riccardo Paletti, Strada per Fosio 1- 43040 Varano de’Melegari (PR),

It is clarified:
That the video surveillance system is indicated by appropriate signs (so-called brief information);
That the video surveillance system adopted does not link, cross-reference or compare the collected images with other personal data or any identification codes;
that the ˗ video surveillance system consistent with the principle of minimization of data processing ˗ is configured so as not to contemplate the direct identifiability of the persons filmed – since the system itself, as explicated in the purposes stated above, is designed to ensure work safety and protection of company assets;
that in view of the purposes and proportionality of the intended processing as well as the measures given to protect the data subjects, it is considered that the described processing can be carried out, in application of the discipline on the so-called “balancing of interests” that identifies a legitimate interest in the processing of this type of data in relation to the purposes represented;
that in the case of criminal acts for which there is a complaint to the Judicial Authority and the viewing of the images is necessary, the same will take place exclusively in the presence of the Data Controller;
access to the recorded images, whether remotely or “on site,” is tracked through special features that allow “access logs” to be kept for an appropriate period;
That the monitor is located neither in a place of exclusive access of the Data Controller nor in a place visible to the public;

The Society informs you that:
Your data will not be transferred abroad to a NON EEA country;
your data will not be subject to automated processing or profiling;
your data may be brought to the attention, depending on the processing, of the following recipients: employees or collaborators of the Company – and belonging to the categories: – of administrative employees; – of insurance employees; – of commercial employees; – of legal employees; of accounting employees; of computer system administrators; who, operating under the direct authority of the latter, are referents (ART. 28 and 29 GDPR) and and have received in this regard adequate operational instructions;
To exercise your rights as a Data Subject under the GDPR, you may contact the Company in the following ways:

via racc. A/R: SO.GE.S.A: Srl, Strada per Fosio 1- 43040 Varano de’Melegari (PR);
via e-mail:

you can file a complaint with the Supervisor.

Your rights under the GDPR are as follows:

“Cognitive rights”
The right of access, which is the right to obtain Information about how your data is being processed and what data is being processed (Art. 15 GDPR);
The right to data breach notification, which is the right to obtain information about serious anomalies that have occurred in the processing of your data (Art. 34 GDPR).

“Control rights”
The right to restriction, which is the right to change the processing of your data (Art. 18 GDPR);
The right of revocation, which is the right to have the treatment stopped;
The right to object, which is the right to object to the processing of your personal data (Article 21 GDPR);
the right to portability, which is the right to move structured complexes of processed data from another data controller (Art. 20 GDPR);
rights of rectification and integration, which is the right to have your inaccurate data changed (Art. 16 GDPR):
The right to erasure and forgetting, which is the right to delete data (Art. 17 GDPR);
The right to notify recipients, which is the right to have recipients of your data notified of rectification, erasure, and restriction measures (Art. 19 GDPR);
The right to object to automated processing, which is the right not to be subjected to decisions with legal effect based solely on automated processing, including profiling (Art. 22 GDPR).

“Complaint Rights to the Guarantor”
The right to file a complaint with the Guarantor (Art. 13 2D; 14 2E GDPR)

The Company, by the same means of communication you used to exercise your rights, within 30 days may:

respond positively to your request;

ask you for at most an additional 60 days to respond because your request is complex, or because it has received many;

respond negatively to your request, explaining the reasons and reminding you that if you disagree,

you can make a complaint to the Data Protection Authority, or, to the Court.

Again in order to protect your data, the Company may ascertain in advance that the identity of the person who should exercise the above rights.

We take this opportunity to remind you that the information (Articles 13 and 14 GDPR) and communications that are provided to you as well as the actions that you would like to request from the Company within the limits of those provided by the GDPR (Articles 15-22 and 34 GDPR) are free of charge.

However, should your claims be clearly unfounded, or, excessive, because for example repetitive the Society may:

Charge you a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs incurred in providing the information or communication or taking the requested action;

Refuse to comply with the request;

Finally, about the time and manner of storage of your personal data, the Company, informs you that:

images are kept 24 hours, or 48 hours to cover the weekend or holidays.

the data controller has appointed in writing the individuals who can access the premises where the monitors are placed;

named subjects have stringent limitations in the ability to view not only in sync with the shooting, but also in delayed time, the recorded images.


SO.GE.S.A. Srl provides audio and video filming at events and demonstrations. Personal images of individuals accessing circuit areas may also be taken on such occasions.
Personal image and/or audio filming activities are inherent to the activities carried out within the circuit at events and events and are aimed at the documentation of these events and/or the promotion of the activities carried out by SO.GE.S.A. Srl through any physical, computerized and/or digital means, including publication on corporate social channels.

In relation to the publication of images in magazines, media and corporate and/or external social channels (of SO.GE.S.A. Srl and/or its parent/subsidiaries) for promotional purposes, individuals accessing the circuit will be informed in advance of the collection of their personal image during the events/manifestations, so that they can consciously decide to participate or not.
In fact, since in the events/manifestations mentioned above, the collection of images is inherent to the event itself, SO.GE.S.A. Srl will not be able to handle any refusal to process participants’ data, including personal image.

In these cases, the data subject may decide not to participate in the event: participation in the event will be understood as an unequivocal manifestation of willingness to accept the treatment illustrated.

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